četvrtak, 27. prosinca 2012.

Blog award

Hi beauties! Hope you all well and have a great Christmas with your family.

I was tag from Bitchy Dust  and i need to write 7 things about me.

 1. My real name is Tina. I don't have a middle name. My nick name is Tinchy,Tinchica,Tinchek.
 2. When i was born i didn't have a name for 20 days.
 3. My name is pull out from hat.
 4. I  can't imagine life without my roses and other flowers and my parrot.
 5. I was participate on one beauty pageant before couple years ago.
 6. Same year i was hostess on Split festival.
 7. I love my colleague bloger and you my dear reader. Without you,i wouldn't have my blog.

            I don't like tag people,so take it,play it, and share this award to everyone!


4 komentara:

  1. Hehe zanimljiv način dobivanja imena.. koja su još imena bila u šeširu?

    1. trebala sam biti Martina,Kristina ili Valentina ali mater je znala da me nikad neće zvat punim imenom već da će me svi zvat Tina,pa sam tako dobila ime jer mi ga nemogu ˝skratit˝

  2. hehe zanimljivo... znači put prema zvijezdama je počeo pred par godina na festivalu ;)


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